Publications by CRCLLE Members
Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles & Book Reviews
Li, G. (2020). 国际化和本地化枢纽中海外华裔学生教育的核心问题和新兴趋势 (Chinese heritage students’ education in the global-local nexus: Core issues and emerging trends), 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)(Journal of Southwestern Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 21(3), 30-45.
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2019). 锡箔家庭语言态度的代际差异研究【 Family language attitudes of the Sibe (Xibo) ethnic group in Xinjiang, Northwestern of China】, 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning),4(2),31-41.
Li, G., Sun, Z., & Li, H. Y. (2019). Metalinguistic transfer: Exploring cross-language facilitation of literacy skills among Chinese-English bilingual children. In L. Moll (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (OREE). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Li, G., & Ma, W. (Eds., 2017). Educating Chinese-heritage students in the global-local nexus: Identities, challenges, and opportunities. New York: Routledge.
Ma, W., & Li, G. (Eds., 2016): Chinese-heritage students in North American schools: Understanding the hearts and minds beyond test scores. New York: Routledge
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2017). 国外家庭语言规划研究综述:2000-2016 (An overview of international research on family language policy:2000-2016). 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 2(2), 58-68.
Li, G., & Sun, Z. (2017). 加拿大华人家庭语言政策类型及成因 (Chinese immigrants’ family language policies in Canada, 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 2(2), 46-56.
Li, G. (2019, 17). Challenges and opportunities in international Chinese teachers’ preparation. 中国社会科学报 (Chinese Social Sciences Today), 12, Special issue, pp. 10-11.
Li, G. (2017). International Chinese teachers training: Challenges and future developments. In J. Wu et al., (Ed.), Proceedings of International Symposium on Cultivating Chinese Talents in Southeast Asia under the One Belt One Road Initiative (pp. X ). Guangzhou, China.
Duff, P., Anderson, T., Doherty, L., & Wang, R. (2015). Representations of Chinese language learning in contemporary English-language news media: Hope, hype, and fear. Global Chinese, 1(1), 139-168. (inaugural issue of new refereed journal).
Duff, P. (2014). Language socialization into Chinese language and ‘Chineseness’ in diaspora communities. In X. L. Curdt-Christiansen & A. Hancock (Eds.), Learning Chinese in diasporic communities: Many pathways to becoming Chinese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Duff, P., Anderson, T., Ilnyckyj, R., VanGaya, E., Wang, R., & Yates, E. (2013). Learning Chinese: Linguistic, sociocultural, and narrative perspectives. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Duff, P. & Li, D. (2013). Learning Chinese as a heritage language. In C. Maddie & K. Arnett (Eds.), Minority populations in second language education: Broadening the lens from Canada. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Li, D., & Duff, P. (2014). Chinese Language Learning by Adolescents and Young Adults in the Chinese Diaspora: Motivation, Ethnicity, and Identity. In X. L. Curdt-Christiansen & A. Hancock (Eds.), Learning Chinese in diasporic communities: Many pathways to becoming Chinese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Anderson, T. (2012). [Review of the book Learning Chinese, turning Chinese: Challenges to becoming sinophone in a globalized world, by E. McDonald]. Chinese Language and Discourse, 2(1).
Anderson, T. (2012). [Review of the book Teaching and learning Chinese in global contexts: Multimodality and literacy in the new media age, by L. Tsung and K. Cruickshank (Eds.)]. International Multilingual Research Journal.
Duff, P. & Zappa-Hollman, S. (2012). Pop culture and second language teaching and learning. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
Wang, R., & Li, D. (2010). The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) professional development training module: Level 6 Reading into a new China. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.
Duff, P. & Li, D. (Eds.). (2009). Indigenous, minority, and heritage language education in Canada. [Special issue]. Canadian Modern Language Review, 66 (1).
Lester, E. (2009). [Review of the book Chinese as a heritage language: Fostering rooted world citizenry, by A. He, & Y. Xiao (Eds.)]. The Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes. 66 (1), 161-163.
Li, D. and Liu, I. (2009) Reading Into a New China. Vol. 1. Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston. (328pp)
Li, D. and Liu, I. (2009) Reading Into a New China. Vol. 2. Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston (330pp) |
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Duff, P. & Lester, P. (Eds.).(2008). Issues in Chinese Language Education and Teacher Development.Duff, P. & Lester, E. (Eds.).UBC Centre for Research in Chinese Language and Literacy Education.
Li, D. (2008). “Pragmatic Socialization “. In Duff, P. & N. Hornberger (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education Volume 8: Language Socialization. Norwell , MA 02061: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Li, D., & Duff, P. (2008). Issues in Chinese heritage language education and research at the postsecondary level. In A. W. He & Y. Xiao (Eds.),Chinese as a heritage language: Fostering rooted world citizenry (pp. 13-36). Honolulu: National Foreign Language Resource Center.
Conference Presentations, Lectures & Workshops
Li, G. (Nov. 6, 2020, keynote speaker). Invigorating Chinese Language Teaching with Critical Pedagogies: Challenges and Possibilities. Fourth International Conference on Chinese Immersion Education, Alfred University, USA.
Li, G. (Sept. 23, 2020, invited speaker). Family Language Policy in an Age of Transnationalism: Chinese Immigrant Families’ Investment Strategies in Canada. Southeastern University, Nanjing.
Li, G. (Dec. 4, 2020, invited panelist). Psychological impact of internationalizing Model Minority Myths. Vancouver Asan Films Association and SFU.
Li, G. (Nov. 20, 2020, invited panelist). Psychological impact of internationalizing Model Minority Myths. Vancouver Asian Films Association and SFU.
Li, G. (Nov. 3, 2019, invited panelist). Parents as the guiding light: Supporting children’s academic and socioemotional well-being in Canada. CAFORD Institute, Vancouver, BC.
Li, G. (2019, Dec.). Transnationalism, Cultural Capital, and Parenting Strategies: Astronaut Chinese Immigrant Families’ Investment in Second Language and Literacy Learning in Canada. Literacy Research Association annual conference, Tampa, FL.
Li, G. (2019, Nov.). Transnationalism, Chinese parents, and language learning. A symposium organized for American Anthropology Association annual conference, Vancouver, BC.
Li, G. (2019, Aug.). Chinese-heritage students‘ education in the global-local nexus: Emerging trends and issues. Canada-China Symposium on Sustainability, Whistler, BC.
Li, G., Sun, Z., & Li, H. (2019, May). Cross-language facilitation of early literacy skills among Chinese-English bilingual children in diverse contexts: From a perspective of metalinguistic transfer. Paper presented at CSSE conference, Vancouver, BC.
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2019, Mar.). Family language attitudes of the Sibe (Xibo) ethnic group in Xinjiang, Northwestern of China. Paper presented at the annual conference of AAAL, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Li, G. (Nov. 2019, invited speaker). Chinese-heritage and Chinese-overseas students’ intercultural learning experiences in global contexts: Core issues and emerging trends. Beijing University of Languages and Cultural Studies, Beijing, China.
Li, G. (Sept. 2019, keynote speaker). Culturally relevant Chinese immersion teaching. Third International Conference on Chinese Immersion Education, Alfred, NY.
Li, G. (Aug. 2019, keynote speaker). Language, academic achievements and identity: Issues and trends in Chinese heritage students’ glocalization. International Conference on International Students and China’s Modernization. (留学生与中国的现代化”国际学术研讨会), Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China.
Li, G. (Aug., 2019, invited speaker). Lessons from Chinese as a heritage language education in North America: Practices, problems, and possibilities. Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.
Li, G. (Dec. 25, 2018, invited speaker). Chinese-heritage students’ and Chinese international students’ educational trends and issues: A glocal perspective. Faculty of Foreign Language Education, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan, China.
Li, G. (Dec. 2, 2018, invited panelist). Deep conversations: Global Chinese educational trends. International Conference of Chinese Education 2018, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.
Li, G. (Dec. 1, 2018, keynote speaker). Chinese-heritage students’ education in the global-local nexus: Emerging trends and issues. International Conference of Chinese Education 2018, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.
Li, G. (Nov. 6. 2018, keynote speaker). Chinese teacher development in international contexts: Challenges and possibilities. The Second National Conference on Chinese Immersion Programs. Alfred University, NY.
Li, G. (Dec. 2017, keynote speaker). International Chinese teacher training: Challenges and future directions. International Symposium on Cultivating Chinese Talents in Southeast Asia under the Belt-Road Initiative, Guangzhou, China.
Duff, P., Anderson, T., Ilnyckyj, R., Lester, E., Wang, R., and Yates, E. (2012). Sociocultural Research on Chinese L2 Literacy Development and Use. American Association for Applied Linguistics. Boston, March 27, 2012.
Duff, P. (Invited plenary talk, 2011). “New Directions, Approaches, and Issues in Research on Chinese Language Learning.” Carnegie Mellon University Department of Modern Languages, March 2, 2011.
Duff, P. & Li, D. (invited). “Learning Chinese as an additional, transnational language: Negotiating identity, community, and legitimacy. Mobility Language Literacy”. Cape Town, January 18-21 2011.
Duff, Anderson, Ilnyckyj, Lester, Wang, Yates. “Learning Chinese as an Additional Language: Investigating Learners’ Identities, Communities, and Trajectories”. AAAL 1010, Atlanta, March 7, 2010.
Duff, P. (Invited presentation). “Chinese as a Heritage Language in Canada”. In colloquium organized by T. Wiley on “Heritage Language: International Perspectives” (with D. Li, A. Lin, Li Wei, T. Wiley…). First International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages. National Heritage Language Resource Center, UCLA, Feb 20, 2010.
Duff, P. (organizer). Symposium on New Directions and Innovations in Chinese Language Education and Teacher Education. Sponsored by Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Literacy Education. Invitation of two guest speakers (Dr. Shuhan Wang, Dr. Yong Zhao) and panel discussion with P. Duff, D. Li, and others, plus special roundtable discussion with educational leaders from local public schools. January 15, 2010.
Duff, P. “Developing a research agenda for Chinese as a second/foreign/heritage language.” American Association for Applied Linguistics, Denver, CO, March 23, 2009.
Duff, P. Invited panelist/presenter; “Research on Chinese Language Education and Teacher Education”. Parents for Mandarin Conference: “Will our Children be able to Talk to the World? Early Mandarin Bilingual Learning—Challenges and Opportunities”. UBC Nov. 22, 2008.
Duff. Academic Symposium, organizer. Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Literacy Education (CRCLLE), Oct. 31, 2008. Presentations by M. Everson, D. Li, H. Yu. P. Duff.
Duff, P. “Issues in Chinese Language and Literacy Education”. University of British Columbia, CRCLLE Academic Symposium, Oct. 31, 2008.
Li, D. (invited). “Tongue-tied: B.C.’s investment in Mandarin Language Education”. UBC Arts Wednesdays Public Lecture Series, Nov, 2010.
Li, D. (invited). “Beyond Grammar and Vocabulary: Contextualizing Chinese Language Teaching for the Development of Competence”. Symposium: Teaching and Learning Chinese in Context: Three Perspectives. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, Oct, 2010.
Li, D. (invited). “Research on Chinese Heritage Language Learners in Canada”. International Conference for Overseas Chinese Heritage and Language Education (CHLE2010), Taipei, Taiwan. June, 2010. (Keynote Speaker)
Li, D. (invited). “Heritage Language Education in Canada”. School of Teaching Chinese as a SecondLanguage, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Jan, 2010.
Li, D. (invited). “Developing Teaching Materials for Chinese Language Learners in North America”. The First International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching Material Development. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Jan, 2010.
Li, D. (invited). “Chinese as a Heritage Language in the Canadian Mosaic”. The Institute of Chinese and International Studies. Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China. Oct, 2009.
Li, D. (invited). “Pragmatic Socialization in Another Language: Theory, Methods and Findings”. School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China. Oct, 2009.
Li, D. & Duff, P. “Discourse/Pragmatics and Advanced Mandarin Textbook Development.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Diego, November, 2009.
Wang, R. (Invited). “Improving Students’ Pronunciation and Oral Proficiency: Audacity in Mandarin Classrooms”. Second Language and Intercultural Council Annual Conference, Edmonton, October 30, 2010.